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Start the school year on the right foot

Updated: Jun 5, 2022

School has finally returned for 2019 and parents and kids alike have been experiencing mixed emotions of excitement (and relief!).

If parents haven’t checked already, the school shoes from the year before may be worn and tattered or the summer holiday growth spurts may mean that your children’s shoes are in need of an upgrade.

Getting the right school shoe that provides adequate support for your child's growing feet is important. It is usually a test of patience, tough negotiations will be made at shoe shops Australia wide between parents and their children about finding the right shoe that provides both adequate support but are also “cool”.

Our top tips to get the right shoes that fits?

1. If last year’s shoes have worn unevenly, whether it is worn on the heel, under the big toes or holes at the end or the sides of the shoes it is a sign that there might be a bio mechanical issue.

The wear patterns are useful clues and the podiatrists at Custom Podiatry Services can help reduce and improve this in your child’s new pair of school shoes. You can book an appointment with one of our Podiatrist’s where they will do full assessment of your child’s feet (click here to book now). Do not forget to bring in your old school shoes.

2. Kids’ feet grow quickly and not only change in size but in shape as well. Although feet usually stop growing around the age of 14 – 15 we recommend checking the fit of your children’s shoes every 4-6 months to reduce the risk of injury and pain in their growing bones and muscles.

3. Check out our video we posted on Facebook over Christmas to know what to look for when shopping for new shoes by clicking here (also remember, laces/velcro are a better option than slip-ons to allow for customised fastening)

4. Our final tip? Let your children spend time barefoot, it not only strengthens their muscles in their feet but allows for improved body awareness, balance and proprioception (awareness of their bodies in space) as they receive feedback from the ground when walking barefoot.


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